Midjourney: How anyone can generate Images from text
Matt Pengelly
- last update: 2022-12-04
Imagine if you never needed to look for stock photos again? Midjourney is a fun AI based project that might accomplish just that
Midjourney is a tool for generating images from text; your prompts become images.
Images can be finely detailed and are flexible; the AI algorithm can create art with various styles and from different time periods in seconds.
Images can be variated; if you have something close to what you want, but it’s not quite there.
Starting is as simple as joining their discord server, joining a
channel and typing a prompt like:/imagine a cosmic elephant intergalactic circus
. You’ll get a result backHere are some variations generated from that with the press of a button.prompt: `/imagine a cosmic elephant intergalactic circus
However, there are some quirks. Can you spot any in this one?prompt: `/imagine a girl smiling
Note: How you craft your prompts makes a big difference in the output you receive, so write them thoughtfully
is free to use for your first 25 images, and all images you generate you can use how you like. After that there are paid plans at 10$+ per month.They’re now the largest Discord channel in the world and are growing rapidly. Head to their Discord server and try it out yourself.